#FanPhotFriday: Londa’s Unbroken Tattoo
Londa writes: “My sister, Rhoda, was diagnosed with rare pancreatic cancer in 2011. She fought, like the fighter she is, for 8.5 long years, before she was taken from us in 2020. My sister was the strongest person I know. She carried herself like a warrior through this awful time. When “Unbroken” was released and I heard it for the first time, I immediately dedicated that song to her.”

You can submit your entry for Fan Photo Friday one of two ways:
Our general submission form for general Fan Photos here: https://www.bretmichaels.com/contact.html
Our Team Bret Michaels submission form for #BMBMusicMemories, #KnowSurviveThrive, and Life Rocks Foundation related submissions here: https://www.teambretmichaels.com/submityourstory.html